"Candice "Candy" Latoya was the first stripper in the world that used a cargobike in her act. Although born in the outskirts of Wuppertal, Candy never considered anything but the whole world to be her home. Traveling on her beloved cargobike, she had made her way through all the seven continents by age 29, leaving behind a trail of happy but brokenhearted men and women.
Words fall short to describe the majesty and magic of her strip-act. But it suffices to say that there was a lot of smoke and glitter involved. That stuff would get in your hair, very much like Candice “Candy” Latoya would get in your heart. Candice ‘Candy’ Latoya would bike around her audience during her act, climbing up and down the pole whilst smiling and waving to her many enchanted admirers.
After a long and lustful life, Candy died in 2007 in Amsterdam of old age. She was buried together with her bike. Although never confirmed, it is rumored George Clooney attended her funeral anonymously, and that he has a commemorative tattoo in the shape of a cargobike on his chest - dedicated to Candice “Candy" Latoya."